Born in 1962, in the town of Kadoma, Zimbabwe(Rhondesia) Allen Egan began painting at the early age of 16, having been greatly impacted by the Landscape Impressionist Movements. A few years later in 1981 Allen began studies in Graphic Design at the Harare Polytechnic College. After graduating in 1982, Allen began working in the print and graphic design industry, where he stayed until 1989. By then he emigrated to South Africa and started a printing and manufacturing business. During this time, the allure of dedicating his time to exhibiting his work exclusively was beginning to flourish, he started by painting portraiture art of african people in a rural settlings and at the end of his 11 year stint in South Africa he chanced on meeting his future wife from Canada. Year 2000, Allen Emigrates yet again to Canada, settling in Gatineau, Quebec. He still continued to create his portrait art, travelling back and forth between South Africa and Canada for exhibitions and referential photographs for his work. Gradually Allen has seen his work change, delving into the genres of landscape and surrealist art. Which has awakened new and old passions for him to explore.