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Tintin Indian

Year: 2024

Size: 40" x 30"

Chuck Bunny the Left turn at Albuquerque Tour

Year: 2024

Size: 72" x 48"

BB King Bugs Bunny Guitar & Neon

Year: 2024

Size: 50" x 40" x 9.5"

Mickey McCarthy Diamond Dust

Year: 2024

Size: 60" x 40"

Bugs Springsteen Diamond Dust

Year: 2024

Size: 60" x 40"

Clock Work Orange Crush

Year: 2024

Size: 40" x 40"

Double Standards Diamond Dust

Year: 2024

Size: 40" x 40"

Call Me Popeye with Neon

Year: 2024

Size: 32" x 24" x 10"

Tintin Vespa


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Artist information

Sylvain Prévost

Artist Resume


Sylvain Prevost, a Canadian multidisciplinary concept POP artist born in Montreal 1967. His creative studies and journey spans over 30 years, during which he collaborated with several prestigious art galleries from coast to coast.

Diverse Background: Sylvain’s studies in commercial arts, marketing, television and film production, and screenwriting have significantly influenced his work as a visual artist. These experiences provided him with a robust work structure, a strong work ethic, and an unbridled creativity. He approaches his paintings much like a movie script, adhering to the stages of drafting, rewriting, and polishing.

Iconic Cartoon Characters and POP Culture: Sylvain takes the category to a whole new level, infusing them with his unique artistic concept, research, , incrustation of real glass neon, hand sculpted 3d elements and objects such as full size electric guitars and original illustrations instead of simply reproducing an existing one. His work resonates with historical and nostalgic elements, bridging generations and ethnicities through simple yet powerful imagery.